
Food comes first.


Panda invites a chef who devotes himself in fusion cuisines, offering five meals a day, including wake-up breakfast, breakfast, lunch, afternoon tea and dinner. During your stay, guests can enjoy authentic Chinese, Western and Indonesian cuisines. Free coffee, tea, hot beverages are provided, as well as soft drinks and local beer, for you to share valuable time with your companions. We also prepared red wine and some special surprise with lovely PANDA elements. Come onboard and find out!

中国胃, 我们更懂你。

Chinese appetite, we feel your feels.


Despite the difficulty of finding ingredients locally, Panda still prepares a variety of Chinese spices and dishes for Chinese guests. You can relish“the taste of home” on board. Of course, we also look forward to your joining in the culinary delicacies, after all, our chef is also an authentic gastronome like you.

中国胃, 我们更懂你。

Chinese appetite, we feel your feels.


Despite the difficulty of finding ingredients locally, Panda still prepares a variety of Chinese spices and dishes for Chinese guests. You can relish“the taste of home” on board. Of course, we also look forward to your joining in the culinary delicacies, after all, our chef is also an authentic gastronome like you.


Details, we consider more.

√ 所有楼梯踏板都设计得宽敞舒缓,在必要处加装了扶手。

All staircase steps are designed to be spacious and soothing, with anti-slip strips and additional handrails wherever necessary.

√ 充足的全球通用电源插座和贴心的客房双控照明开关设计,在细节处考虑的更周到。

Ample universal sockets and special design of 3-way light switch in the room, we consider more in the details.

√ 五星级床品配置及酒店式管理,体现船宿服务的最高品质。

Five-star hotel level bedding and hotel style management, reflecting the highest quality of liveaboard services.